Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wal-Mart Self Storage Facilities? Really???

Let me explain what we're looking at here:

As the little "A" bubble points out, that's a Wal-Mart squatting behind it's mandatory football-field sized parking lot.  What's just 250 feet to the north-north-west of it is a self-storage facility, owned and operated by Wal-Mart.

I never knew such a combination existed until I drove by it today, and I rather hoped it had been a passing nightmare.  Alas, Google maps satellite view shows that I was not asleep at the wheel.

This is bewilderingly, mind-bogglingly efficient.  With one building they sell you more stuff than you can possibly fit in your home.  With the other, they charge you rent to keep it out of the rain.
Is your home already overflowing with crap, but you still can't resist the urge to go shopping?  Never fear!  You can now load up your cart at the world's biggest superstore, wheel it across a parking lot, and stash your new treasures directly in a self-storage facility, without the inconvenience of carrying any of it home.  
I wonder if they let any of their sub-poverty level Wal-Mart Associates sleep in there?  It would be cheaper than providing them with health care.

How long do you think it'll be before Wal-Mart convinces congress to privatise municipal dumps?  Then we can wheel our purchases straight from the big-box store to the storage unit to the landfill, and pay them three times for the privilege!

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